同学们进场后,大家席地而坐,主持人首先向同学们说明活动全程用英语进行。接着,中心黎老师介绍了华商合作交流中心及其开展项目。随着破冰分组小游戏,活动拉开帷幕,现在分成六个小组;破之后是传递兔子的游戏,每组组员围成一圈,用脚夹住兔子进行传递,用时最少的一组为胜。上半场游戏结束后大家中场休息10分钟,尽情享用圣女果的酸甜和汽水的冰凉,还欣赏到国际班同学献唱的英文歌曲Price Tag;演唱完毕后,大家意犹未尽地进入了活动的下半场。下半场第一个环节是看视频提问并回答问题,英语提问和作答似乎难倒了部分同学,受到活动气氛感染,同学们勇敢地开口,这也达到了本次活动的一个目的,帮助大家远离哑巴英语。紧接着是本次活动的最后环节彩绘鸡蛋,同学们不仅要和组员共同完成一只彩蛋的绘制,绘制完毕后还需要用英语陈述创作意念,各组创意百出,关于环境保护的、关于大同世界的、关于动物保护的……活动的最后,根据各组的总得分评出前三名,进行颁奖。活动在一片欢声笑语中结束。
图三: 前三名组员合影
图四: 精彩图选
We got a ticket to the Easter party at
Room 501,Qizhi Building
The room has been decorated
warmly and beautifully!
Tomatoes,eggs and drinks
All the teachers and volunteers were ready!
At 7 o'clock,
students from different classes came to the party.
The party began!
Teacher Ally gave a brief introduction on
Huashang International Cooperation & Exchange Center.
Later, Tom told us something about Easter.
And then, we played
Ice Breaking
?The host said a number,
we went quickly to find our fellows
to form a group with the required number.
We were divided into 6 groups.
Then,we played another game named
Egg Delivering Superman
Students got happier in this game.
After that,we watched a video
which talks about Easter
and played the third game
Ask & Answer
It was time to have a rest!
A girl sang a song for us!
We drank Coca-cola, ate some tomatoes
and took nice photos!
Paint the Eggs
Each groups got 2 pens, a pigment and an egg.
?Each team members cooperated to
finish the painting of the Easter eggs.
Everybody spoke out the ideas
and realized them on the egg.
Achievement Exhibition
At the end of the party,
students voted for the team they loved the most.
The winners got their prize.
Party is over!
Thanks for your participation
The party became wonderful because of you!